Revista Luceafărul
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Fondat 2009 • ISSN 2065 - 4200 Anul 17 → 2025

8 MAI – ZIUA MONDIALĂ A CRUCII ROȘII ȘI SEMILUNII ROȘII – 50 ani, ”Our Principles in Action”


Violența, saracia, lipsa de alimente, asistența medicală insuficientă, accesul necorespunzator la apă și canalizare sunt printre puținele provocări cu care se confruntă oamenii din orașe și din alte zone dens populate de pe glob. Totusi, modul de viata urban prezinta, de asemenea, oportunitati enorme si poate servi ca un motor de incluziunea sociala, diversitate culturala si cresterea economica.
Societatile Nationale de Cruce Rosie si Semiluna Rosie din intreaga lume, mearcheaza Ziua Internationala a Crucii Rosii si Semilunii Rosii prin semnalarea provocarilor umanitare ale urbanizarii. (–ZIUA-MONDIALA-A-CRUCII-ROSII-SI-SEMILUNII-ROSII.html)

Marcarea evenimentului la nivel mondial:  (

Tomorrow is World Red Cross Red Crescent Day and we are celebrating ‘Our Principles in Action’.  As a part of this we will have the largest ever real time display of the work our volunteers are doing around the world on just one day; Voluntary Service in Action!
All day long across the world people will be posting thousands of pictures on the Volunteers Facebook Group of the activities their volunteers are doing in their local communities on this day.  Don’t miss this momentous event and opportunity to celebrate our volunteers and be inspired by their contributions.  Here are some tips to participate:
1. Join the Group now and invite others to join now ( so that you don’t experience delays tomorrow.  More than 13,000 have already joined;
2. Try to take pictures or video of volunteers working with communities, these always get more likes. You can post photos of May 8th Celebrations, but the idea is to also show the work our volunteers are doing with communities: 
3. Tag as many of your friends as possible so that they and their friends can see the photos. We want external people to see our work too and tagging will help to spread the word. Also use the hashtag ‪#‎ourprinciplesinaction;
4. Like and comment on other peoples photos, it will help to spread the word also;
5. Try to post your photos as early in the day as possible so that it gives it time to gather interest and ‘likes’. (Note, that we will also accept photos over the weekend, but ideally they should be of activities conducted on May 8th);
6. You should add the time the photo was taken, where it was and what the volunteers were doing, but try also to include some personal comments or reflections from the volunteers, this makes it more interesting if there is a little story behind it too. But keep it short;
7. Do your best to take high quality photos or video footage;
8. If for some reason, you cannot post to Facebook, send your photos to and we will post it for you.
Take this unique opportunity to show how much we appreciate our volunteers and to celebrate our Principles in Action!  Join NowBelow is the original announcement of this event posted in French, Spanish and Arabic.

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