Revista Luceafărul
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Fondat 2009 • ISSN 2065 - 4200 Anul 17 → 2025


Alexandru JIBLEANU

– elev clasa a X-a, Liceul Teoretic Little London


The rain banging on my window as my only light is the moon,
My leg moving up and down as some clouds make my light go soon,
I started to look around as darkness and blur was around me,
Hearing nothingness as the wind was making me as anxious as I can be,
Rain banging on my window, hearing the soft drops break,
Sitting at the edge, while fishing in a deep blue lake,
Feeling the wind blow as the cold makes my finger start to tremble,
Going inside me house as my days are being more stressful,
My leg going up and down, as I start to fidget and bite my nails,
Wanting to leave it all behind, go on my own new trails,
Running from my problems and my insecurities, crying alone,
Everyone making it so that I can’t love anymore, making me stone,
Making my heart beat less and less from my anxiety and depression,
Me wanting to be alone and only with the people I only obsession.

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