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Fondat 2009 • ISSN 2065 - 4200 Anul 17 → 2025

The Great Tree

~ The Great Tree ~
Once, there was a great tree outside near a deserted forest,
A little deer passing by, hopping as its the only true tourist,
The tree smiling, as he isn’t alone anymore, having company,
Watching his little fellow eat, and play with a little yellow bumblebee,
Weather gets harder, as the little deer hasn’t somewhere to stay,
Our good trees branches making a umbrella, so she could lay,
The two of them started getting closer, as the tree made a house for her,
Showed where food is, and kept her warm at night when it wasn’t for her fur,
Times were getting harder to live in, winter being near to hit the holt,
The deer feeling colder and colder, as she ran to the tree in a bolt,
The tree stood there, knowing she had to leave so she would stay alive,
Having brought the thought of loneliness, knowing he is deprived, 
The only way for her to survive, is to leave the forest and find another,
The deer getting angry, jumped near the tree and made a little hole,
She needed a shelter, or a fire to keep warm, the tree being her coal,
His branches enlarged as far as he could, to keep the snow away,
Everything around her was white and grey, show covering its way,
After a day or two, the snow started melting around the two,
Flowers growing everywhere, the sun shines everywhere, something new,
The deers eyes looked at the tree, it being frozen and dried, 
Tears run down its face as it knew it saved its little life, it has died,
But one this remained on the big old trees face, a big smile of its trunk,
Seeing its smile, the little deers courage and determination began to spunk,
They love shall be kept always in the image of the old tree inclined,
As it will be kept alive by the little deers, keeping the old trees kind.
Alexandru Jibleanu,
elev clasa a XI-a, Liceul Teoretic Little London

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