My Wish For You, Sweet Romania
Mihai Eminescu, traducere K.V. Twain (Diana Cârligeanu)
15 ianuarie 2023
This I wish for you, sweet Romanian land,
Beloved country of glory and of longing:
Sinewy arms, the weapon for strong stand,
For all past triumphs, still other triumphs thronging!
May wine flow in the cups, and may the goblets sparkle,
If this be what your proud sons desire;
For the rock shall stand, while the wave is mortal,
Sweet Romanian land, these I would gift entire.
A dream of bitter vengeance as black as is the grave
Your broadsword reeking with the blood of foes,
And up above the hydra, in the breeze’s wave,
May your dream of glory hold a triumphant pose,
May tricolored banners tell the world entire
How the Romanian nation is ever made anew
When fate enkindles its sacred blameless fire,
Sweet Romanian land, this is my wish for you.
That angel of peace, angel of love,
Who enigmatically smiles on Vesta’s shrine,
And blinds glorious Mars when up above
He flies his lamp, lending the world great shine,
May he alight yet upon your virgin breast,
And taste the bliss of heavenly demesne,
And may you hold him closely, give him shrines a-blessed,
Sweet Romanian land, may all this come to reign.
This I wish for you, sweet Romanian land,
Youthful bride and mother with love filled!
May your sons live always in brotherly stand
Like the dawn of day, and the night stars begilt,
Life into infinity, triumphs, jubilation,
Weapons of great strength, a Romanian soul,
Dream of bravery, honor, and proud station,
These, beloved land, may your fate give whole!
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