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Fondat 2009 • ISSN 2065 - 4200 Anul 17 → 2025

Stages in Teaching a Grammar Lesson

Cu revista EDICT, despre educație!

Stages in Teaching a Grammar Lesson

Many teachers find it difficult to teach grammar from various reasons which may range from lack of experience to lack of knowledge regarding some simple steps related to this issue. After consulting a variety of grammar reference books in order to establish how a structure is formed, when it is used and whether there are any particular rules or expectations governing its use, the teacher can actually start teaching the grammar lesson and by following the stages of a comprehensive grammar lesson it can become a rewarding experience.

1. Presentation

This stage means introducing the grammar structure, inductively or deductively. The techniques and resources that can be used during this step are various. Selection should be made according to the teacher’s strengths, student preferences and the nature of the structure.
The necessity of presentation lies in the fact that before learning something new the students need to perceive and understand it. The teacher’s job is to mediate such new material so that it appears in a dorm that is more accessible for initial learning. This kind of mediation is called ‘presentation’.

Raw, unmediated new input is often incomprehensible to learners; it does not function as ‘intake’ and therefore does not result in learning. Given the limited time and resources of conventional foreign language courses, as much as possible of this input has to become also ‘intake’ at first encounter. Hence the necessity for presenting it in such a way that it can be perceived and understood. Another contribution of effective teacher presentations of new material in formal courses is that they can help to activate and harness learners’ attention, effort, intelligence and conscious (‘metacognitive’) learning strategies in order to enhance learning – again, something that does not necessarily happen in an immersion situation.

A teacher might point out how a new item is linked to something they already know, or contrast a new bit of grammar with a parallel structure in their own language.

Sometimes, presentations may not occur at the first stage of learning; they may be given after learners have already engaged with the language in question, as when we clarify the meaning of a word during a discussion, or read aloud text learners have previously read to themselves.

The ability to mediate new material or instruct effectively is an essential teaching skill; it enables the teacher to facilitate learner’s entry into and understanding of new material, and thus promotes further learning.

An effective presentation also requires the learner’s attention, perception, understanding and short-time memory. The learners focus their attention on the teacher and on the material to be learnt, and they are aware that something is coming that they need to take in. The teacher has to make sure if learners perceived the material accurately. A right perception can be achieved if the learners see and hear the material clearly.The learners also need to understand the meaning of the material being introduced, and its connection with other things they already know. A response from the learners can give the teacher valuable feedback on how well they have understood: a restatement of concepts in their own words.

Presentations also require short-term memory. The learners need to take the material into short-term memory: to remember it until later in the lesson. That depends on the impact the original presentation has. We should take into consideration the type of learner we address to: some learners base on their visual, some on their aural or kinaesthetic skills.

2. Focused practice


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